miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Bachillerato Writing

This is the optional composition in case you would like to get a higher mark. Click on the image to download the file.

Through this other link you can access the .docx version of the second page, in case you want to type your writing on your computer and then send it to your teacher via email.

How to snip / Cómo realizar capturas de pantalla

Some of the 1st years might be struggling when saving their infographic.
Although it is true that easel.ly does not allow us to save high quality images if we don't have a pro account, there are several ways to save our project:

1- We can select the low quality image (which will still be good enough)

2- We can take a screenshot with the snipping tool (Recortes):
This can be done in any computer, regardless the OS. I will show you some videos

  •  How to snip in Windows 7:

  • Windows 8:

  • Windows 10:

  • Mac:

I hope this will be easy enough.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Flipped Shakespeare

Como algunos ya sabréis, durante los últimos meses he estado realizando un curso sobre Flipped Classroom. La premisa a priori sencilla de trabajar los contenidos en casa y realizar proyectos en clase era algo que me interesaba mucho, pero que se me antojaba irrealizable o, al menos, muy difícil.

Realizar este curso me ha permitido comprobar que en efecto hay muchísimas posibilidades de trabajo más allá de la típica clase magistral. He descubierto, con agrado, que algunas de las propuestas ya las venía realizando en mi actividad docente, pero también he podido aprender nuevas herramientas y enfoques.

Para sacar el máximo partido al curso, decidí diseñar un proyecto que pudiese realizar de inmediato en mi instituto. Aprovechando que en el temario de tercero de Inglés Avanzado, debíamos estudiar el Renacimiento, decidí que Shakespeare fuera el protagonista de mi trabajo. Ya el año pasado había propuesto a mis alumnos utilizar Instagram para recrear algunas escenas de sus obras de teatro, pero gracias a este curso, he podido estructurar y dar forma a mi idea.

A continuación os facilito el enlace a mi proyecto:

Espero que os pueda servir.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

How to create an infographic

Some of your teachers might have already told you that you will be working on a project during this last term.

This project will involve several subjects, and the final product that you will have to create is an infographic. In case you are wondering what this means, it is basically a "nice poster" that looks really pro. It should contain data and images.

In this example, you can see information on soccer teams all over the world.
 Although we will not be dealing with soccer, 1st years will be dealing with the world: each class will be a continet, and they will be divided into different countries.
There are several apps and websites to help you create one, but he most recommended one for this particular project is easel.ly. When you access the webpage, the first thing you see is a video explaining how to use it:
Youtube offers more thorough tutorials explaining exactly how to get started:

I hope that by watching these videos, and with the explanations given in class, you will find it easier to do it.

In order to make your infographic look even more pro, here is a tip:

Whenever you are looking for an image that you would like to insert, make sure that you download it using the .png extension:
You just need to add "png" after the word when you are searching in Google Images.

In order to check if the image really has this format, click on it.

If it has squares in the background, it is the right kind of image:

If it doesn't, if will show a white background whenever you paste it on your infographic:

You can see the difference here: